by shaun armando lawton
The paradox of the locks being left out in the open with the keys still in them as part of a growing system was lost on half the populace adrift in a haze without sensation while the other half dreamed of the key within their grasp and the light shining from it revealing by degrees what lay hidden in the dark whispering in between the trees with the frost now nipping at our noses another twirl and tumble through oblivion while one supposes we'll connect the revolution to the cycle in fruition conducting a song in the stream the key to unlocking the gates that guard the coliseum where the organ plays the pipes of our dreams lies inside our eyes and in the way the pupils narrow to discern if there's something new that we have learned for only in the pursuit of additional knowledge to what we have already accrued may one be led to the undertaking that will keep us one step ahead to sit back and wallow in what we've already swallowed is such an old fashioned way to drown there's always something new to be discovered just around the corner for those with ears hovering for something to be listened to and with functioning eyes to be found there's a note upon the octave twisting up into the drifting music of the spheres that's the same step also descending deep down into the neverending abysmal Sensurround harmonizing to this pitch opening up the inner eye around us which wakes us from our state of being caught up in a dream it's a mnemonic trick left behind found inside to remind us of the time and the fact its getting late for our commitment having fought together for a team that's life as we have known it since we were first shown it from the moment we were incepted here under a Sunbeam itself a treasure chest with piled up clouds and sunsets resembling crisscrossed loops of chain to get it open with the skeleton pick that does the trick we finally strike a euphonious chord in our brain to think that the way we have paved to the box with the key that we need to unlock the very pipes of paradox has yet to completely have driven us insane here is the reason we sing this song as a bookmark we leave in a memory outside in the rain.
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